My Story

  • My journey began when the lack of quality cinches started effecting my job. Our store bought cinches weren’t cutting it and after trying a few different things I decided to invest in the knowledge and education it was going to take to build a cinch to my standards. My horses well being and comfort were well worth the investment.

In loving memory of “The One Eyed Wonder” Dolly

In loving memory of “The One Eyed Wonder” Dolly


I guess here is where you meet the maker.

Hi my names Tia Watson and I am the sole creative peon here at Cross N Cinches and now Old Soul Silver Company. I started making cinches due to lack of a quality product coming from the stores and having to high of standards to trust anyone else to build exactly what I needed and wanted. I picked up silversmithing solely because of a gut feeling and following my heart. I love beautifully engraved jewelry, bits and spurs and I have a serious addiction to turquoise and pretty rocks. So August of 2021, after talking about picking up silversmithing for 2 years I finally jumped cause it was either pull the trigger or just keep talking about it. And here we are a year deep and running wide open! I hope to add bits and spurs to my portfolio in the near future. God has sure blessed me with some great talents and I am truly thankful for it!

I was born and raised in northern Nevada, oldest of three girls. If you love leather and bead gear check out my sister Lexi Reiva on facebook or insta: Desert Chaos Design. The baby-ist sister occasionally does crafty stuff but she’s much more into mechanican. We grew up on horses, Lexi and I were those horse crazed kids, riding every day we could after school, racing our horses out across the desert. Dreams of a pro rodeo career after high school and owning a training business were my lifes goal at that point. But lets be honest, I was a terrible barrel racer and if I could ever find a consistent partner in the team roping we might have maybe done ok in the team roping. So colt starting and cowboying it was after high school and college. I went to college for Equine Science and Ranch management. I drifted a lot from the time I was 18 to 25. Like a lot. I got to see a lot of cool country, work for some good ranches, and the best part ride and rope off of some great horses. I met my best friend and now husband while managing a ranch in a very remote area in Montana in 2014, and we got hitched in 2016. Bought a house, made some nice horses, started our own businesses and had our son in 2020. Lifes been a whirlwind but I wouldn’t trade the experiences and lessons I’ve learned along the way for anything.